Sunday, September 30, 2012

추석........and Interviews!

Well this was definitely not an easy week by any stretch of the imagination. Phew, but I am glad this one is over and we can start a new one.

This last week was just... bleh... one of the things that I really love about the Mission is that you really find out a lot more about who you are. I am changing every single day and it is just awesome. BUT this last week was just one of those stretching weeks and it was not pleasant at all. I just was weird from like Wednesday or so on (I'm fine now however I just like was wigging out before but that's when you really come to appreciate having President Interviews.)

So we did a whole lot of 광고 this last week. Put up fliers and stuff all over the place just to advertise our English program and try and find some people who are willing to learn about not only English but the gospel as well (if you remember I did this a lot when I was in 평택 with Elder Scoville). We had a really interesting time just talking as we walked everywhere within like a 2-mile radius of our house putting up these advertisements. It was quite the achievement I have got to say. I don't think that I have ever put up that many 광고's at one time before. But we did it!

We weren't able to meet with our favorite family this week because of the Holidays so we just met with some Less Active members and did a whole lot of 광고....And ya, that was the week. We did also have president interviews and that was probably the highlight of the week. I got a chance to just sit down and talk with my inspired Mission president. It really was an awesome experience and I am SO glad that the interviews came around when they did. I just have gotta buckle down and keep working. But one of the things that I really need to start doing is take some more time to actually enjoy myself. To be happy, to enjoy this experience because I've been just plugging away at it for the last year, and it has been really good, but everyone I meet keeps telling me I need to just kinda enjoy this a little more. Ahhhhhhh... as I have been talking a lot with Elder 구 during like Companionship study and all I have really discovered something about myself that is kinda interesting.

In my mind, there is only one way that I really feel like I progress. (BTW this doesn't translate correctly) 힘들어야지 발전할 수 있다 that's how you say it in Korean, in English it'd be like: It has to be difficult in order to progress. I really am the kind of guy where if it's not hard, there is no satisfaction to it........I don't like that. So if you have any tips on how I can be a little more grateful for the things that are just given that'd be awesome (because there are a lot of those). Frankly I wanna be able to be appreciative and find great satisfaction in even the things that God just does for me. Ahhh... any tips?

But ya, so I figured I would take a little more time in this email to kinda respond to emails that I have gotten from ya'll. So here we go! (Say that with the Super Mario accent please :))

So first, Mom (this will go in order of the things you asked in your email [I'm just looking for question marks]):
Korea's weather right now is AMAZING. Ahhh it is so nice. I love it, there is always a little breeze and the sun has been shining the last couple of days. Absolutely remarkable! Everyone was right, President even said so himself: "We live for October in Korea." And it is just that good. We get a chance on the weekends to get out and it is fun. And then yes. P-Day as well is always good, as long as I get my nap hahaha.

Brother 성 is doing awesome.... hold on so how did you type 성? Copy and paste? He came to church yesterday and told us that his baby is doing well, is healthy and already getting a little bigger! So excited for him. We haven't been able to meet him during the week to just kinda catch up with because of the baby but we will try and meet him this week (I told him to call us if he gets a spare second).

As to the girls's sports: I find it awesome that they are doing so well! I hurt for Kellie though, I know that pain and it SUCKS. I do however recommend those neoprene sleeves that you wear over your shins. I don't know if mine were just so minor that it helped or what but those made a big time difference. Maybe try giving those a shot? That might help Kellie out. Alissa is getting so Big. It is crazy. I look at the pictures of the family and it is just crazy. They are like the 3 towers (jenna, kellie, alissa), well I guess it is now (Jenna, Alissa, Kellie). Jenna running fast which is great to hear about, I don't even wanna try to keep up with that. I'm too fat. Ha. Alissa and Katie are rocking the soccer and that is just awesome! Alissa, go ahead and wear #11. Wear it proud! It's a great number! And Katie bug... Wahh, love that we are all doing so good. Although I am curious if people actually still call you "bug." That'll be interesting. But ya keep up the good defense! 

Conference for us is in 2 weeks... All of it... so that'll be fun but it'll be great to see and hear from the Prophets and Apostles. I'm really excited for General Conference!

Elder Palmer is coming along great, he doesn't have any sort of computer background at all so that is kinda hard but you know. Take it one step at a time and he'll get it. in my interview with president he said that I basically have till the end of this transfer to train him otherwise there is probably the possibility that I will have to stay another.

And ya. Love you too Mom!

To Dad:
I already kinda told you about my life this week so I'm skipping that question. Ha!

Now skipping down to the language question, language is coming alright. I am understanding more and more every single day and it is getting to where I have a hard time talking to people who don't speak Korean because even when I speak English it makes more sense to say some things in Korean.

The office is hard, now that I don't have much to do I am just getting everything done too fast so I have free time. There are some days that I do training but there are other days that I literally just sit around..... All day.... I have to wait on my companion to do translating work so that is unavoidable but ya. I just gotta keep finding things to do and then find the 정신 to do them all even though none of them really need to be done...

We don't have a whole lot of people to teach but we already have two people next week who have said that they wanna meet so we will be able to meet with them. One of them is actually today! So it is awesome! Just gotta keep remembering that I am helping in a different way. 

As to Christmas... I don't really know, I'm gonna need alot of things later and I don't know if I really need anything now. I'd like to buy a nice new suit for the winter. That'd be cool but other than that. I'm good. Just your prayers and maybe like some Reeses Puffs. :)

And to Mom and Dad: Happy 22 years! Wah does it feel like? was it fast? Wah! Congratulations! I love you both so much!

Take care all and I hope you know that I love you!

Elder Josh

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